Letting Go Is Hard…
BUSINESS WISDOMJeffrey L. Bromberger, Senior Pontificator03 August 2021NB: A version of this article appeared several years ago on a previous employer's web site. It has been spruced up a bit, refocused and shared again with you.Before the cold weather of 2018 was...
Is Your Service Desk Still Playing Kids’ Games?
BUSINESS WISDOMJeffrey L. Bromberger, Senior Pontificator25 October 2021Make sure that you offer your employer more that just empty words when it comes down to the level of service that your Help Desk offers.Before my career took a serious bend into Service...
On Making A Man – Perfection (Pt. 3)
OPINIONJeffrey L. Bromberger, Lost Past His "Sell By" Date22 October 2021Sometimes, the only time that perfection matters is the time when nobody can recognize it but you.When I was very young, home was a tinder box full of crazy. And I mean full bore, balls to the...
I Will Be Of Service
BUSINESS WISDOMJeffrey L. Bromberger, Senior Pontificator17 August 2021NB: A version of this article appeared several years ago. It has been updated and polished a bit more - hope you enjoy it.I had the pleasure of re-watching the third installment of the John Wick...
Misusing Words (Pt. 2) – Wouldn’t you like to be a hero, too?
OPINIONJeffrey L. Bromberger, Dancing Monkey06 August 2021How can your everyday job, with its everyday tasks and responsibilities ever be "above and beyond" the everyday call of duty?Last time I did a entry on a misused word, it started with an "H". Same thing today...
Customize vs. Configure
BUSINESS WISDOMJeffrey L. Bromberger, Senior Pontificator05 August 2021NB: A older version of this article once appeared several years ago on a previous employer's web site. I have updated it for timeliness and offer it up again, this time saved for posterity.Every...
On Making A Man – Teamwork (Pt. 2)
OPINIONJeffrey L. Bromberger, Available for Weddings and Bar Mitzvahs13 September 2021All I had known was going it alone. Once I had a friend, a partner I could lean on, the world seemed to open up its doors to me.I have to say, elementary school was not an easy time...
Overspecialization: Certain Death for Career Growth?
BUSINESS WISDOMJeffrey L. Bromberger, Senior Pontificator08 September 2021Evolution helps life expand to fill all environmental niches. You just have to accept the risk that if your niche goes away, so might you...The world we live in is not the world I grew up in....
One Last Curse on the Fisherman’s Lips
MUSICJeffrey L. Bromberger, Oblivious To It All13 August 2021What's the most you'd consider wagering and possibly losing for another person's eternal soul?In 1991, after dealing with the depression caused by his father's death (and battling a case of writers' block as...